
About me

I'm William Sandström, a self taught full stack developer. This website is dedicated to my various projects and ventures. It serves as compendium over the things I have learned through the years.
On a more personal side, I enjoy tea, reading and cats. I live in the small city of Umeå, located in northern Sweden.


Throughout my various projects I have learned several different programming languages and frameworks. Here's a list of some of them.


I started programming Python at the age of 15, which started a lifelong passion of programming. Later on I studied a few years of Computer Science at Umeå University, where I also had the opportunity to work as a teacher assistant. I am currently employed by Swedbank as a full-stack developer.


You can email me at "williamsandstrom99 at hotmail dot com" if you'd like to speak with me. I'm also available at various platforms around the web.

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